The Network
We have 35 years of experience selling homes near the water
We are able to offer you and your clients an unrivalled level of first-hand knowledge and expertise in this specialist sector.
Selling any property near the water requires this specialist know-how, and membership of the Waterside Network will help your company benefit from this expertise as well as becoming the acknowledged leader for waterfront homes in your area.
Purchasers of waterside homes often have broad requirements in terms of geographical location and are frequently looking across several areas for their ideal home. Waterside Properties network members can use this to develop an additional income stream by referring both buyers and sellers to other member agents across the Network and earning a commission referral fee.
Years experience
Annual printed Waterside Life magazines
Properties listed
Visitors per month
Annual Boat Show visitors
What’s in it for you?
Targeted Marketing
Membership enables you to directly target those unique homes on or near the water in your area. Plus, with purchasers of such properties often focused on specific lifestyle features and not just location, the Waterside Network allows you to reach these discerning buyers directly through Boat Shows and our other “lifestyle” promotional events.
A truly unique network
Whilst some estate agents may claim to have their own waterfront department, no other specialist waterside property network exists; only Waterside Properties can gives you such a powerful online presence, combined with prominent displays of your company and your properties in both Waterside Life magazine and at the Boat Show – a very tangible display to both your vendors and purchasers.
Win more instructions
Waterside membership allows you to demonstrate to vendors your commitment and expertise in selling their unique property. This is one of the biggest reasons that many agents join the Waterside Network – not least because we guarantee that as membership in each area is on an exclusive basis, you will be the only agent to be granted membership in “your patch”!
The Magazine
All Waterside Properties network members are able to advertise their properties in Waterside Life
Feature in our full-colour glossy magazine, published three times a year – as well as listing full details of their office locations and contact details. The magazine features not only the finest selection of coastal, riverside, lakeside and marina homes in this country, it also includes a wide variety of news and editorial features about life on the waterfront.
Waterside Life is distributed free of charge throughout all member agents’ offices, as well as at the Boat Show, waterfront restaurants and hotels, yacht brokers, marina offices, and yacht clubs, in addition to being available online.

The Boat Show
For over 25 years, Waterside Properties has exhibited at the major UK boat shows and other relevant property exhibitions...
...with Waterside Properties becoming one of the “must visit” stands at the Show for many visitors. Waterside Properties network members are able to display a selection of their properties and sales particulars, together with their own branded marketing materials, in addition to having their own staff in attendance if they wish. It’s also worth noting that Waterside Properties are the only company who consistently exhibit at the Boat Show – a commitment that ensures we have the very best location for our impressive stand!

How to join
Become a Waterside Properties network member
Fill in our quick form to find out more about becoming a Waterside Properties network member.
PLEASE NOTE! This form is intended only for estate agents making an enquiry about joining the Waterside Properties Network. Please DO NOT complete it if you are looking to buy or rent a property; in this case, please click the “Make an Enquiry” button that can be found on the page of the property that you are interested in.
Membership Enquiry
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