To Let

Suite 3, Fourth Floo 1 Secretary's Lane, Leon House, Town Area GI, Gibraltar


£660 pcm

Century 21 Gibraltar logo

Property marketed by:

Century 21 Gibraltar

19 Irish Town, Gibraltar GX11 1AA

+350 200 51020

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Office unit for rent in the centre of town, with views towards the bay. 20msq internal space. Further details ...

Size: 210 sq ft (approx)

View: Bay

Air Conditioned: Yes

Floors: Laminated Wood


Rent:                      £ 380.00 per month

Service Charge *     £ 260.00 per month

Management Fee     £ 20.00 per month


Total per month       £ 660.00

Conditions for renting;

- 1 month refundable deposit: £660.00 X 1 =  £ 660.00

- 3 months in advance: £660.00 X 3 =           £ 1,980.00


INITIAL PAYMENT:                                         £ 2,640.00


- Suitable for Business Licence Applications

- One Year Licence granted renewable upon agreement

- Rates and Electricity consumed are already included as part of the Service Charge paid *

- Phones will be invoiced separately by the Telephone Company, to be arranged by tenant

- Invoiced quarterly in advance

Century 21 Gibraltar

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Call: +350 200 51020

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